Research group:

I recently joined Uppsala University as Assistant Professor and I am expanding my group. We work on machine learning, signal processing and automatic control. Developing basic theory and creating new applications in medicine.


Updates from students

2024-06-14 🎓 Daniel Gedon successfully defended his PhD thesis. His thesis include publications on ICML, UAI, Scientific Reports and IEEE Signal Processing Letters. Next he is going to Tübingen University, Germany, as a PostDoc. (link)
2024-05-31 🎓 Arvid Eriksson successfully defended his MSc thesis. His master thesis generated a paper that will be presented in Computer in Cardiology 2024. He also got a position at KTH as a PhD Student. (link)
2022-06-29 🎓 Theogene Habineza successfully defended his MSc thesis. His master thesis generated a paper accepted for publication in Journal of Electrocadiography. (link) (link)