Join my group:

I recently joined Uppsala University as Assistant Professor and I am expanding my group. We work on machine learning, signal processing and automatic control. Developing basic theory and creating new applications in medicine.

Open positions (0)

Positions with closed applications (3)

(Applications closed, hiring in progress)
PhD student in Automatic Control focusing on robust statistical learning and system identification.

(Applications closed, hiring in progress)
PhD student in Automatic Control focusing on signal processing and mathematical modeling for physiological signals

(Applications closed, hiring in progress)
Postdoctoral position in Automatic Control focusing on system identification and statistical learning.

Previous students:

Ph.D. students

M.Sc. students

Updates from students

2024-06-14 🎓 Daniel Gedon successfully defended his PhD thesis. His thesis include publications on ICML, UAI, Scientific Reports and IEEE Signal Processing Letters. Next he is going to Tübingen University, Germany, as a PostDoc. (link)
2024-05-31 🎓 Arvid Eriksson successfully defended his MSc thesis. His master thesis generated a paper that will be presented in Computer in Cardiology 2024. He also got a position at KTH as a PhD Student. (link)
2022-06-29 🎓 Theogene Habineza successfully defended his MSc thesis. His master thesis generated a paper accepted for publication in Journal of Electrocadiography. (link) (link)